
Multiverse Catalogs

An SHF catalog of known superpowers discovered in the multiverse.

-Accelerated abilities.

  • Includes accelerated strength, speed, agility, and healing. Deviations include:
    • Accelerated senses
    • Empathy healing
    • Invisibility
  • Weaknesses include direct death and a special chemical component that strips away abilities either temporarily or permanently depending on chemical state and deviation weaknesses include:
    • Extremely loud sounds
    • Over-extension of healing
    • Over-extension of invisibility 
    • Lesser levels of regenerating health leaving one vulnerable to electricity, etc. 
    • Erratic health issues when natural regeneration is obscured
  • Source is a chemically mutated tea leaf with deviations caused by:
    • Multiple consumptions of the tea leaf
    • Less then perfect health when consuming tea leaf
    • Scientific testing during consumption of the tea leaf
    • Consumption of watered down tea from the leaves
    • Artificial re-composition of tea leaves
  • Originated in Precinct Peacemakers 1
  • Case files of superhumans bearing accelerated abilities include The Ninja and Hunter series, The Dystopian Takeover Trilogy, and The Kristian Clark Saga.
-Atlantis based abilities
  • Includes four original offshoots including
    • Vampirism, which gives the user accelerated speed and strength, shadow travel, the ability to sense other Atlantis creatures and immunity to all but silver. Weaknesses include inability to see their own reflection, pain in direct sunlight, being unable to sleep, being barred from holy ground, and silver. Includes a thirst for human blood.
    • Lycanthropy, which gives user accelerated speed, strength, and senses when in the animal forms, telepathy with pack, and immunity to all but silver. Weaknesses include weakened higher cognitive abilities, being forced to transform at every full moon and bout of extreme anger, and silver. Includes a hunger for human flesh. Deviations include:
      • Werewolf, the most common type in the western hemisphere.
      • Were-tiger, the most common type in the eastern hemisphere.
      • Super Wolf, a special breed that has higher cognitive abilities, more control of transformations, and a hunger for power.
      • Double wolf, the offspring of two werewolves that has lower cognitive abilities, less control, and more ferocity and higher resilience. 
    • Merpeople, which gives the user the ability to sense the weather, adapt to swimming, breathe under the water, and immunity to all but iron. Weaknesses include vampirism, lycanthropy, and iron.
    • Faes, which gives the user the ability to grant wishes and immunity to all but iron. Weaknesses include the dilution of time over the magic, vampirism, lycanthropy, and iron. Deviations include:
      • Court Fae, who adhere to the rules laid down by the stronger fae before them to preserve their magic.
      • Scottish Fae, who break the rules and do whatever they like, but with weaker strains of magic.
    • Hybrids, which result in the union of any two species. Little known except they cannot sense or be sensed by Atlantis-based creatures, have stunted emotional growth, and exhibit unique abilities to themselves.
      • Siren (vampire and merfolk)
      • Banshee ( vampire and fae)
      • Bigfoot (?) (vampire and werewolf)
      • Dhampyre (vampire and mortal)
      • Elemental (merfolk and fae)
      • Selkie (merfolk and werewolf)
      • Dormant merfolk (merfolk and mortal)
      • Shape Shifter (fae and werwolf)
      • Normal but beautiful mortal (fae and mortal)
      • Unknown (werwolf and mortal)
  • Source appears to be the Fountain of Youth.
  • Originated in DPF Precinct 2.
  • Case files of superhumans bearing Atlantis-based powers includes The Howling Twenties trilogy.
- Dimension Manipulation powers
  • Includes teleportation within and between dimensions, both macroverse and microverse; sensing portals; and entering, merging, and manipulating memories between alternates.
  • Weaknesses arise with lack of practice, surgical tampering, and special barriers. 
  • Source appears to be from non-doppelganger lines and/or dimensional explosions.
  • Known case is Precinct KC 1.
  • Case files of superhumans bearing Dimensional Manipulation powers includes The Kristian Clark Saga
-Superhuman Catalogs as of January 10, 2019. Susceptible to change when new information arises-


Betrayal and Banditry Soundtrack

The Samurai's Student Soundtrack

Embrace of Shadow Soundtrack