
Review of Nine by Rachelle Dekker

I read the companion book to this one, and was interested to see how it tied together. The short answer is trauma, but I won't give any more away since so much of this story is how characters overcame their past and present for a chance at perhaps a future.

This book focuses mostly on a third of the title number in characters. There is a mysterious young girl we first see fleeing for her life, though she has no memory as to exactly why. Then we meet Zoe, a kindly waitress who decides to help the girl. And finally, there is the FBI agent whose mission is that girl. 

It was fascinating to go on the run with this unlikely trio as they try to figure out what exactly is going on and how to fix it, both in the bigger picture and in their own lives. And the question is, which would they rather sacrifice- what they hold close to or that bigger picture.

If you like action, intrigue, psychological suspense, and/or books with Christian elements, then this one is for you. It was so interesting to read a book that seemed to belong in a completely genre than its companion, but that is how this world is- so many different things all connected together. Like the trio.

P.S. My favorite character was the FBI agent. I'm just throwing that out there.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher, but the views and opinions are my own. 

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