
Excerpt of Fish Out of Water

I open my mouth, but for a moment, fear steals my voice. But fear for my sister is stronger. “Oh, you missed it. She already did her villainous monologue. Some sort of self-claiming queen of nothing with a personal vendetta against us, yadda, yadda-”
I lose my voice again, but this time to the tightness of the weed around my neck.
Mistress!” the minion cries in horror.
You are too soft,” she mutters, but the vine relents its hold on my throat.
I gasp in air even as Elspeth narrows her eyes. “And how do you intend to bring about that revenge.”
I will give each of you what was given me.” Cerce’s eyes flash. “A curse and a banishment.”
No!” the guards yell in unison.
But too late- something is happening.



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